B: Sentence comprehension: read the following sentences and choose the correct choice.
30- As people get older, they usually get less flexible; that's why it is important to exercise when you are still young to stay flexible to be more active.
a. exercise isn't necessary when you are young
b. exercise causes us to get sick
c. it is not useful to exercise when you are old
d. exercise causes us to have a flexible body
31-Some times we do not know a weak earthquake has happened under us.
The above sentence tells us that…………………………………..
a. we do not know the time of weak earthquakes.
b. we do not feel weak earthquakes
c. we never know what happens under us
d. weak earthquakes are predictable
32- The purpose of humor is not to be a comedian but for you to create a comfortable atmosphere and have fun with your audience.
According to the above sentence,……………………………….
a. creating a comfortable situation is not good at all
b. being a comedian is emphasized
c. a sense of humor is emphasized
d. laughing at the audience is suggested